Tuesday, April 27, 2010

April Date-Your-Mate Winners!

Big CONGRATULATIONS go out to Steve and Elizabeth Bates for winning April's Date-Your-Mate Giveaway!!! What did they do on their winning date? Went out for Brazilian food and shopping!

Steve and Elizabeth were college sweetheart, meeting at InterVarsity! They were friends for 2 years, dated for 4 years, engaged for 1 year and have been married for 13 years. Been making history together for 20 years!

In their own words:

Q. Elizabeth, what do you love most about Steve?

Elizabeth: I love Steve for his gentleness, trustworthiness, loyalty, love for God, compassionate heart, total ability to tear up easily and unashamed about it, which by the way, is one very attractive thing I find in him (once we were watching Homeward Bound in a movie theater, a story about dogs and cats who talk? Well, I had my head on his shoulder and suddenly, I felt 'raindrops' on my head. I looked up, there were huge drops of tears rolling down his eyes...awwwww...such a gentle giant, my Stevie); and not forgetting his good looks and his absolute unconditional love towards Judah and Sophia. The way he loves on our kids melts my heart every time and makes me fall in love with him over and over again.

Q. Steve, what do you love most about Elizabeth?

Steve: I love Liz for her tender heart and her selfless servanthood toward others. She's an awesome mommy for my kids, creative, and organized, which keeps me balanced and on schedule. She is my beautiful wife and a woman of honor whom I trust completely.

Q. What is your favorite kind of date? What do you do when you go out?

Elizabeth: Before kids, it was the non-crunch times where Steve just hung around me while I shopped, followed by dinner and a movie. I loved that. After kids, honestly? When the babysitter comes, I'm absolutely ecstatic to venture anywhere and do anything away from the kids for a bit, with my Stevie! =)

Steve: Dinner and a movie.

Q. Share at least one piece of marriage advice or encouragement.

Elizabeth: The humility to walk over to each other after an argument (even though you really don't feel like it), reach out and touch, muster enough sincerity to say, "I'm sorry (for whatever part you were responsible for). Please forgive me and I love you. We can talk about it again, but for now, let's move on, okay?" To me, those words and that humble act in and of itself draws in a spirit of reconciliation and peace. Easier said than done, but I'm a strong believer in it for any married couple! =)

Steven: Dying to self and giving up pride. Learning how to listen and being humble as a husband.

What did they win?

An autographed copy of Real Life Marriage by Tim and Anne Evans! We've recommended this resource in past (read it here) and are thrilled that Tim and Anne graciously donated it to our giveaway!

The Evans Family

From their website: "Life is about story. Take a retired Chicago-suburban fire chief, a nurse, thirty-plus years of marriage, six adult children, four grandkids, one dog and what do you have? The story of a Real Life marriage and family."

Please avail yourself to this great resource!!

We have some great prizes coming up next month as well. So, get out there and DATE YOUR MATE!!!! Time spent with your spouse makes you a winner every time! And you get a chance to win a fun prize from Eden Rock as well! (For the details on the giveaway, click here.)

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