Wednesday, September 23, 2009

At Your Service!

I remember as a child when my mother went to a gas station, they would provide full service
with no extra charge. There was a gas station attendant that would fill the tank, check the oil, check tire pressure, and even clean your windshield for you. It seemed like the station attendant enjoyed his job, because it was service with a smile. Today it is all self service or if they do provide full service it will reflect in the price per gallon for gas. Where has that service with a smile gone in our marriages? (Galatians 5:13)- You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love.” The Lord commands us to serve one another. He also tells us not to be selfish in our ways when it comes to serving. Jesus knew by nature we are selfish. That we would put our own needs and wants before others, our spouse, and children. The great thing is when we have a relationship with God; we learn to die to our selfish desires. It doesn’t mean we don’t struggle with our own selfishness. We do, everyday. It is a choice we make to put our spouse first. Everyday in marriage we have an opportunity to serve each other. I know I have blown it plenty of times to serve my wife. There have been times when I have walked by the kitchen sink and saw some dishes in it. At that moment I have a choice to serve my wife out of love or tell myself that I’m tired because I’ve been working hard so I decide to leave them for my wife to do. I got to admit that I have at times left the dishes in the sink, but the Lord has truly been giving me a heart of service. I truly want to serve my wife and children. I want to reveal who Christ is in my actions. I know my wife and I realize she doesn’t like dishes to pile up. A few dishes in the sink doesn’t bother me, but it’s not about me. I choose to do the dishes because it serves my wife. It is one of her love languages. When I help (serve) her around the house it tells her that I love her, that I care about her needs. Jesus not only taught about being a servant, He demonstrated it when he washed the disciple’s feet. How often do we humble ourselves to serve in a manner that we may even feel is below us? Do we let our pride get in the way? Husbands are head of household. Head is not defined as boss, but rather describes the husband as a servant provider who nourishes and cherishes his wife. (Ephesians 5:28-29)- So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies; he who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as the Lord does the church.” We need to start demonstrating servant hood in our homes. We must teach our children to serve others, because we live in a society where it is all about me. It is our responsibility to raise our children in the ways of the Lord. We are equals in marriage. We need to bring back the full service station mentality to our marriages. Service with a smile, a joy in our hearts. I know it can be difficult at times. That is why I have to ask God everyday to show me how to be the husband and father He has commanded me to be. I ask God to show me how to die to my selfish needs. We must learn to serve God, our wife and children, to serve our church, and to serve others. We have endless opportunities to serve each other everyday in marriage. It is usually the small things that we do consistently that mean the most. I love my wife and children. I made a vow, a covenant to serve and provide for them. I say I made a promise to God to love, nourish, cherish, and serve his daughter with all my heart, and all my effort as long as I live. That is a pretty big promise to make. But we all made that promise when we said I Do. So let’s start living out that promise we made to God and our spouse to serve with love. (Philippians)- Do everything without complaining or arguing.” Let’s learn to serve with a joy in our hearts. It is part of God’s original design for marriage. To love and serve each other. This allows us to reflect and reveal the image of God. We become oneflesh in relationship with our Father. Believe me, you will get back in return more than what you put in.

Mark and Raquel Soto

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