Sunday, March 22, 2009

Grace In Marriage

Family Cell Notes

Grace In Marriage:

-Grace: God gives us something good that we do not deserve.
-Mercy: God withholds something bad we do deserve.

-Family: The Grace Place

-Romans 16:24- “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen” Paul knew we all need to know and experience the grace of our Father.

-Just like forgiveness, marriage gives us endless opportunity to extend grace to our spouse and children.

-Remember, we all stumble. We will wound our spouse without knowing it; other times we do it on purpose.

-What does grace look like in a marriage and family?
1. Grace says you failed me, but I will bless you.
2. Grace exhibits love when lashing out could be justified.
3. Grace creates relationships that are safe and where failure is not fatal.
4. Grace proves that a person has value, even when he does not perform.
5. Grace forgives, perseveres, and blesses that person.

-Weak Enough For Grace
-2 Cor. 12:9- “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.”
-It takes time to work out our faults.
-At times we want and expect instant change.
-God tells us that it is in our weakness that He will be glorified.

-The Grass Suffers
-An African proverb says, “When the elephants fight, it’s the grass that suffers.”
-The grass represents our children.
-What kind of model for the husband/wife relationship are we teaching our children?
-Do they see a marriage of peace, joy, and love?
-Are we showing our children how to handle conflict and disagreement with love and respect?

-Ecclesiastes 4:11- “Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken.”

-Christian marriage is a cord of three strands- a husband, a wife, and Jesus.

-Is your marriage built upon the foundation of Christ or is it built upon eggshells that crumble under your feet?

-With Jesus as our foundation, we can whether the storms of marriage.

-Allow Christ to Rule All

-Luke 10:27- “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind.”

-Allow God to rule all parts of your life.

-Consider your heart a house with many rooms. Have you allowed God into every room?

-Open the room of pride, selfishness, expectations, unforgiveness, judgment, self pity......

-When you allow God into these rooms. He steps in with Love, Forgiveness, and Grace.

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